These are the pictures I scanned from various books and stuff.

1. Here is a pic of a He-man shirt I picked up a while ago.
2.Here is a pic of the He-man Intellevision game.
3.Here is a pic of He-man on Bionatops.
4.Here is a picture of a kids He-man book from England
5.Book from England #2
6. Book from England #3
7.Book from England #4
8.A pic of Blast-Attak blowing up in the mini "Revenge of the Snakemen"
9.Here is Blast-Attak splitting apart and fooling Ninjor
10.The wonderfull He-man Sleeping Bag
11.The picture of my collection if you missed it on my homepage.
12.The ever-so popular pic of Rotar and Twistoid!
13.The cover of the He-man movie Sleeve
14.The ever so popular and hard to find Twistoid. Even in the Package!

15.Also here is an Eternia... Even in the Package!
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